- Johny Bryant is the only survivor of the star civilization of Antares His real name is Orion Quest. The Antareans were a very scientifically advanced people who knew neither war nor subjugation. Then one day Vega the Strong unleashed his merciless saucer squadrons against Antares. His goal was to destroy the Antarean paradise and make its rich natural resources his own. Orion was the only one who survived. Vega imediately confiscated the Antareans' comprehensive science logs and set about using the knowledge to create the ultimate battle robot. He called it Grandizer. Vega's plan was to use it to plunder the universe, but Orion was able to block his evil plot. He stole the Grandizer from under Vega's nose, and destroyed the computers that held the information of Grandizer's secrets. He fled across space to refuge here on earth, but not before giving the Vegans a taste of their own destruction. Orion chose earth from amonst all the other countless planets because its lush natural environment most reminded him of Antares. I learned of him as he neared earth. I arranged to hide his ship and safeguard his identity. It all happened about 2 years ago.Watch now this episodes.
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