
- Jumanji is an American animated television series that was inspired by the movie based on the book of the same name. Jumanji ran for three seasons from 1996–1999. In 1996, it was carried by the UPN network, but later seasons were syndicated by BKN. The series was also shown by CITV in the United Kingdom and on Russian RTR channel. Jumanji was produced by Adelaide Productions, with character designs by Everett Peck. Episodes of the show are now available on Netflix, iTunes and Hulu. The show was reran on Kabillion on Demand, but currently airs on YouTube. Sony has yet to release the show on DVD. Download now this episodes .

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الاثنين، 30 مايو 2011


- Jumanji is an American animated television series that was inspired by the movie based on the book of the same name. Jumanji ran for three seasons from 1996–1999. In 1996, it was carried by the UPN network, but later seasons were syndicated by BKN. The series was also shown by CITV in the United Kingdom and on Russian RTR channel. Jumanji was produced by Adelaide Productions, with character designs by Everett Peck. Episodes of the show are now available on Netflix, iTunes and Hulu. The show was reran on Kabillion on Demand, but currently airs on YouTube. Sony has yet to release the show on DVD. Download now this episodes .

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