مغامرات سنبلHenbe

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- Henbe (3awdat Sounblo in arabic) All children dream to have a friend straight from a fairy tale... A little boy opens his closet and finds a strange creature with a parasol sitting in there. Nobody knows how he got there and from what mysterious worlds he is, but it is a fast friendship from the beginning. And nobody can ever know...
Alilot Babay
Parasol Henbe
Parasol Henbei (Japanese)
Sounbol (Arabic)
パラソルヘンべえ (Japanese).... Watch now this episodes

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إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

مغامرات سنبلHenbe

شاهد كرتون مغامرات سنبل مباشرة بدون تحميل

- Henbe (3awdat Sounblo in arabic) All children dream to have a friend straight from a fairy tale... A little boy opens his closet and finds a strange creature with a parasol sitting in there. Nobody knows how he got there and from what mysterious worlds he is, but it is a fast friendship from the beginning. And nobody can ever know...
Alilot Babay
Parasol Henbe
Parasol Henbei (Japanese)
Sounbol (Arabic)
パラソルヘンべえ (Japanese).... Watch now this episodes

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