Dragon Ball Kai

- Dragon Ball Z Kai (known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai) is an anime series that is a high-definition remaster and recut of Dragon Ball Z done for its 20th Anniversary. It premiered on Fuji TV on April 5th 2009 at 9:00am just before One Piece, and the two shows are being marketed together as 'Dream 9', which refers to the hour in which they both air. Two issues of Shonen JUMP have included some primary information about the series.
The "Kai" in the series' name means "updated," "modified," or "altered."Interestingly, despite the series being only a directors cut of Dragon Ball Z, the Z has been completely removed from the title (at least in the Japanese version.).Watch now this episodes.

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الجمعة، 27 مايو 2011

Dragon Ball Kai

- Dragon Ball Z Kai (known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai) is an anime series that is a high-definition remaster and recut of Dragon Ball Z done for its 20th Anniversary. It premiered on Fuji TV on April 5th 2009 at 9:00am just before One Piece, and the two shows are being marketed together as 'Dream 9', which refers to the hour in which they both air. Two issues of Shonen JUMP have included some primary information about the series.
The "Kai" in the series' name means "updated," "modified," or "altered."Interestingly, despite the series being only a directors cut of Dragon Ball Z, the Z has been completely removed from the title (at least in the Japanese version.).Watch now this episodes.

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