
- Roobear (Kokki), an inquisitive, adventurous young boy koala, lived with his younger sister Laura and his parents, known simply as Mommy and Papa. Mommy was a devoted homemaker, wife and mother, but she had other talents as well: ten years prior to the events portrayed in the series, she won the village\'s airplane race, and proceeded to win a second time in the episode \"Mommy Can Fly.\" Papa worked as a photographer for the village magazine, and had an apprentice, a bespectacled boy kiwi bird named Kiwi. He also had a tendency to overeat, leading his family to try to put him on a diet and exercise program in the episode \"Papa On Stilts.\" Roobear also had a girlfriend, a young girl koala named Betty.Watch now this episodes.

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إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الاثنين، 30 مايو 2011


- Roobear (Kokki), an inquisitive, adventurous young boy koala, lived with his younger sister Laura and his parents, known simply as Mommy and Papa. Mommy was a devoted homemaker, wife and mother, but she had other talents as well: ten years prior to the events portrayed in the series, she won the village\'s airplane race, and proceeded to win a second time in the episode \"Mommy Can Fly.\" Papa worked as a photographer for the village magazine, and had an apprentice, a bespectacled boy kiwi bird named Kiwi. He also had a tendency to overeat, leading his family to try to put him on a diet and exercise program in the episode \"Papa On Stilts.\" Roobear also had a girlfriend, a young girl koala named Betty.Watch now this episodes.

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